Amestecati toate ingredientele pentru foi pana obtineti un aluat consistent, numai bun de intins. Cantitatea de faina am aproximat-o, caci depinde foarte mult de sucul de rosii folosit.
Acum ar trebui tinut in frigider 20 minute invelit in...
Gogosarii spalati si curatati se taie fasii de un deget grosime. Celelalte ingrediente se amesteca intr-o cratita si se pun pe foc sa dea in cateva clocote.
Se iau gogosarii si se pun in sosul clocotind pana cand se patrund putin, dar sa aveti...
Cele 7 linguri de apa se pun intr-o craticioara la foc mic impreuna cu zaharul si cacaua. Se lasa sa dea 2-3 clocote si se adauga margarina taiata bucatele, amestecand incontinuu pana se omogenizeaza. Se ia de pe foc si dupa ce se raceste...
In primul rand trebuie sa faceti suc din cele 4 kg de rosii. Folositi un separator special sau faceti ca mine: opariti rosiile, cojiti-le si dati-le prin blender / robot de bucatarie. Daca vreti un suc limpede puteti sa-l treceti prin...
is an anonymous social networking platform where users can engage in text and video chats with strangers worldwide. It offers a unique way to meet new people and share thoughts without the need for an account. To use Omegle, simply visit the website, choose between text or video chat options, and start conversing with random users. The effects of Omegle can be both positive and negative; it promotes global friendships but can also expose users to inappropriate content or cyberbullying. Overall, it’s a fun way to connect, but users should exercise caution and prioritize their safety while online.
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